What is Patients Medical Home
In 2011, the CFPC presented the Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) as a vision for the future of family practice in Canada. The goal of this initiative is for every family practice in every community across Canada to be able to offer comprehensive, coordinated, and continuing care to their populations through a family physician working with health care teams.

Patients Medical Home Vision
This vision puts the needs of patients and their communities at the centre of care. The PMH is where patients can present and discuss their personal and family health concerns and receive a full spectrum of expert care. The PMH team is developed to meet the needs of its own patient community. Depending on those needs, teams may involve nurses, other specialists, and other health care providers, who work together in one centre or virtually. The PMH vision also reinforces the physician-patient relationship and the importance of the Four Principles of Family Medicine.
PMH Relationships
The PMH reflects and responds to the changing needs of Canadians within the context of their own communities. The PMH supports the relationships between patients and family physicians and other health care providers as they develop and strengthen over time, enabling the best possible health outcomes for each person, practice population, and the community being served.
For more on PMH, please visit the website https://patientsmedicalhome.ca/
For Saskatchewan PMH, please visit https://patientsmedicalhome.ca/pmh-in-canada/pmh-saskatchewan/