Disability Tax Credit (DTC) form

Dear Chapter colleagues,

I wanted to give you advance notice of a position statement that the CFPC will come out with this Thursday, Jun 20 regarding the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) form.

We have been advocating for reducing the administrative burden on family physicians for some time and have identified the DTC form as the most obvious place to start. At 16 pages the form is long, has no remuneration built in, and is used by 97% of family physicians according to our survey data.

We are going to be taking a strong stand for removal of family physicians’ role in certifying these forms before they are submitted to the CRA for processing. This change is intended to focus FP time on what they do best – providing care to patients and providing a more sustainable and appealing professional experience for family doctors across Canada.

The attached documents will be made public on Thursday, Jun 20. We will be reaching out to a variety of health organizations and federal government leaders looking for support and action on this file.

If the recommendation on this position aligns with your advocacy priorities – we would welcome support/endorsement of this position from Chapters – if that is of interest, please connect with me directly and we’ll work on ways to reflect that support and amplify it on social media.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have on this.

Best regards,

Artem Safarov


Health Policy and Government Relations

College of Family Physicians of Canada
1-800-387-6197 x 249

